Monday, September 28, 2009

Okay, I Guess Hit In The Face With A Harsh Reality.. But Not Really (I Mean Really?.. I Don't Think So)

I drank with an old friend tonight.
Drinking is always good. Any sort of inebriation that involves even a slight distraction away from the harsh consequences and mediocrities of life is a plus.
But unfortunately when it comes down to it, the utterly honest, cold and sad truth of it all is that, I miss him. So much. Even when he's actually near. And yes it makes sense; don't tell me it doesn't. But I know, how completely pathetic. It's almost bittersweet (not really), but really, completely unfair (all too unfair). Yet,I will continue to keep moving forward in hopes of a better reality because it's what I do best. It's the only thing I know how to do.

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