Tuesday, July 27, 2010

"Don't Push Me Because I'm Close To The Edge"

Okay seriously, people with bad grammar and sentence structure as well as the wrong diction or syntax really really bother me. And I have been feeling this for quite some time now. I suppose it is not time to archive this sentiment.

I am so sick of people spelling things wrong or having incorrect usage when speaking.
I am so sick of idiots carelessly screwing up the English language out of pure ignorance.

You get what I mean right?

Like all of the words that sound the same such as your, you're, to, too, and so on that people carelessly mix up. Or even those eloquent words people choose to use to sound more intelligent but end up spelling it wrong. I mean at least look it up before you choose to use a specific words you may be unsure about. And believe me if you spell it wrong, you are unsure about it regardless if you think you know. It really really grates on my nerves because being in America, albeit I would have to say which produce almost the most ill-educated and ignorant people from the opportunities that make schooling an obligation and rule among society. (mind you I am purely speaking from an American standpoint)

I realize this may come off as quite snobbish and bitchy, but goddamn, at least take the time to not be careless about simple words that often get switched around or the correct use of tenses or even gerunds for the matter. I understand tenses can be difficult sometimes, but at least try to even adhere to a correct usage of even simple things such as adjectives. I'll let prepositions slide, but I am just speaking in terms of the most basic form of communication and human expression. I realize my English may not be completely perfect, but then again who's is completely? But at least I try.

I don't know, maybe I am too much of a striving perfectionist. No, strike that, I am. (it being one of my many flaws) Maybe it's because articulation has become quite a passion for me seeing as I chose to study English while attending university.

Or it's probably the pain it causes me to hear the English language completely butchered up by those who refuse to learn in proper when choosing to integrate themselves into an English speaking society. Not to say it's their fault, but there is always room for improvement. I mean even those from other countries that have English as a second language yet learn it, whether it be from schooling or what not, have better structure and English than those who have lived in America for their whole lives.

It really is rather pathetic.

Then again I do have a major problem with the issue of the majority of mankind (of course I mean those I seem to be surrounded by in my environment because I thoroughly know and understand just how vast and different the rest of the world is), and the harsh but seemingly true notion of being dull and often times quite ignorant and insipid. And then again, I do want to move away from where I am stuck in.

But back to my main rant, it pains me to hear a language I am well fluent in being butchered up constantly by dumbasses who seem to refuse to cease populating American society. But I guess the whole language issue was inevitable and a long time coming from the issues of my background. You know the whole being put into SAT school at 2nd grade. (it's an Asian thing; hell I was put into preschool at 18 months) Also, being the interpreter for my parents ever since I can remember: having to read things for them and always be on my game about spelling things out and constantly defining unknown words to them and all that jazz. Sometimes I hate being the dutiful Chinese daughter because my older brother sure as hell won't do it. Chinese culture is all about duty, honor, tradition, and obligation -among other things of course. And don't get me wrong, I love my culture, but sometimes it is so infuriating.

Yeah, so just a burst of rage on a Tuesday morning. I know for a fact my nerves and hormones are wearing thin and driving me crazy. But the great thing about venting and putting everything somewhere else, so you don't have to keep it all in your head, is the emotional and mental catharsisI get which ultimately transfers into a liberating high. It's a good feeling. Kind of like when you clean out your room and throw a bunch of things away. Feels pretty good.

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