Tuesday, December 17, 2013


I went to the dermatologist yesterday because I've had a mass on my left arm for about a month now.

Turns out it's a benign tumor.
They won't know what it is until they take it out.

I'm getting it cut out this following Monday.

Wtf, universe.
I'm the statistic of all statistics.

I was feeling indifferent and fine until today. In fact I was laughing about it. I'm now sad, but why? I don't know why.

I'm so tired. All I want to do is sleep.

1 comment:

ViralTikTok said...

Awe, I feel so bad. I had a lump in my breast a couple months ago, lol, and it ended up just being a cyst, nothing too bad and it went away on its own.

But I was think "WTF Universe!"